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Nipun Capital Listed by eVestment: A Nasdaq Platform (05/02/2023 – Top Viewed Emerging Traditional Strategies by Global Asset Owners & Consultants)

Nipun Capital Listed by eVestment: A Nasdaq Platform (05/02/2023 – Top Viewed Emerging Traditional Strategies by Global Asset Owners & Consultants)

Listed by eVestment, A Nasdaq Platform

Top Viewed Emerging Traditional Strategies by Global Asset Owners & Consultants – 2 May 2023
Primary Universe: Global Emerging Mkts All Cap Core Equity
Nipun Capital, L.P.: Nipun Emerging Markets Alpha Strategy

“Well before adjusting allocation models or approving manager searches or replacements, asset owners and their consultants conduct extensive research in eVestment. Therefore, this research activity serves as a leading indicator of how institutional assets are likely to move in quarters to come. Managers use this data to quantify interest in their products, evaluate their brand visibility and continually improve their database marketing strategy. Learn more:

Based on reported firm AUM at the end of Q4 2022 using <$2.5 USD billion to define emerging traditional manager; list based on global consultants’ & asset owners’ viewership in the 30 day period from March 17, 2023 – April 15, 2023.”

See the Full List here (most recent)